Monday, September 8, 2014



It is written that a man who never serve his own childern poison when they are hungry nor for any other reason, yet we all have heard of people doing so while calling it love. In the name of love have there have been a multitude of hatred committed by: religious believers, church goers, faithless people, non-believers, government advocates, government dependents, civil servants, elected officials, and even the poor. But none of the definitions of love had a thing to do with the word of God nor the teaching of Jesus. They were all against the will of God, do not be deceived by their action. 
In the name of good works, humanitarian causes, equality and diversity the actions of hatred are carried justifiable in the hearts, minds and bodies of those doing such things they lable as human compassion. It is written that when one is given the task to deliver the blessing of God, it is to be done without strife. In other words the person being blessed by God through you should not go through: traumatic situations, terrorism, torture, deceit,nor become a victim of fraud, corruption, waste nor abuse of capacity. None of these are blessings, they are not in accordance to the word nor the will of God. In other words do not promote any other agenda when God gives you a task to fulfill, it matters not if you believe in Jesus or walk with him in the land of the living. God will and have used the most non believers to give blessings to the childern of God. 
Is it not written that though the multitude flung to Jesus they were not healed. In the passage about the woman with the issue of blood, her touch was notified by Jesus for it was the first time he had the holy spirit transferred out of him without his knowledge, showing God is in control. The same God that had men of faith blessed by those they were afraid of. There were the rich and the poor that do not accept Jesus as the living water, the way, the truth, and the life while he was living. Todays' poison is dry rotten clothing, in the name of tax deductions, spoiled and expired foods and medicines, and inferior services. Giving defective gifts and things that prevent the poor from becoming self supportive is an abomination to God not the person receiving the crap. While claiming to serve Jesus and blessing others the hidden agenda of supremacy, bias, bigotry is not lost to God, Jesus nor the holy spirit. In other words, serving Jesus with inferior things that they would never use or accept for themselves confirm their foundation of love is flawed and corrupted.  Jesus had a ministry of service, it was perfect without flaw, to those who were obedient to the word of God. He preached repent or perish, to those being obedient. 
Stealing from the blessing of God then doling out whatever you choose to is a sin first against God, last against God and all against God. Stealing for the purpose of whatever for a period of a little or a lot of time is always against the will of God. God knows who is testing him, trying him or attempting to put him through tribulations; God is not deceived. There is never any recovery for God, it is written blessings increase while the wrath of God is saved for the disobedient.  God knows who is benefit from the withheld blessings of God, for only God knows the plans he have for the blessing. There is no justification for such a theft, it matters not who is involved: parents,child, siblings, relatives, clergy, elected officials, civil servants, poverty pimps, advocates, officers of the court, officers of law enforcement, lawyers, nor accountants.  This is why church goers, congregations, ministries of childern. mission for the needy and advocacy groups all are exposed and convicted of criminal charges.  
Do not be deceived the enemy of God; practice: oppression, torture, terrorism, and torment of believers through CHUCHES OF CORRUPTION, CONGREGATIONS OF FALSE WITNESSES, COMMUNITY CHURCHES OF DIVERSE LIFESTYLES, and MINISTRIES OF INCLUSION. No one serving Jesus, is  being disobedient to the will of God; and without being obedient to Gods' will you are no longer a believer.  Do not be deceived a believer maybe called by God; to be a blessing to others in a ministry of deceivers; in a congregation of confusion, or a mission of diversity; for the purpose of being the light of Jesus in place of good works without light. God is not deceived and other believers will either overtake the place or find another place to love and serve God. 
In is written in the first book of the word of God, Joseph was a man of integrity, which upset most around him. Because of his integrity he walked with the favor of God, no matter what others did to him. His integrity did not stop him from being thrown in a pit, enslaved,falsely imprisoned and eventually saving the world. From members of his family to officers of the government abused him, yet he never blamed God nor the Lord.  Everywhere he went the had the favor of God, and those who noticed it did not prevent him from doing task, for they were done without strife. Serve Jesus, as Joseph did and anyone wanting to be blessed shall allow you to do so. For even the leader of the non believers did not stand in Joseph way when it pertained to running the whole country in preparation of the famine through out the world. In other words Joseph served the Lord, blessed others even those who did not practice the lifestyles of the childern of God. The practice and lifestyles of the sexual immoral, including those in prison, but in the end God blessed his household because of his integrity. It was his choice to be obedient to Gods' will not the choices of others, that was the foundation of faith. 


Sunday, August 31, 2014


                                                COMPASSION IS NOT SUPREMACY

     In the name of feeding the hungry and having compassion for the needy; you justify your prejudice, discrimination, bias and elitist lifestyle.  If that was not enough, you continue to convince the people of God to destroy the spiritual walk of other believers in the name of a lifestyle you support not necessarily live.  Do not be deceived, God is not deceived, and there is no forgiveness in heaven nor here on earth.  It is written that God will not accept the prayers of a righteous man concerning such matters, thus anyone being obedient to the will of God would accept the will of God upon the matter. Just as the day of judgement in the pertaining to the matter is also known as the wrath of God, does not mean that believers have to run to condemn themselves. 
    The wrath of God is for those in the land of the living; it protects the obedient believers from: religious leaders, government officials and community activist alike. there is only one way to being obedient to the will of God, accepting Jesus as the way, the truth and life, in other words the Lord and savior, do not be deveived. All other ways for whatever reason, are against the will of God, aagain I say do not be deceived.  If one kills the physical body of abeliever the spirit is taken to judgement and to get an eternalty in heaven because of being killed for the faith in Jesus. But likewise when one kills the soul of a believer, there is condemnation of the one who cmmitted spiritual murder, for it's only purpose is to poison other believers removing them from the hedge of protection of God. 
      God does not have a separate mercy and grace for believers and non believers but it is all in one.  For  the sunshine nor the rain is on one without being on the other. the wrath of God is limited to the childern of the disobedient, in other words those not being obedient to the will of God.  To too many speakers or teachers of the word of God, have neglected pages of the gospel of Jesus, thus limiting knowledge of the power and authority of Jesus and christians alike.  In other words allowing the enemy of God to claim the only authority in certain matters even though it affect many in the congregation. God nor Jesus is limited to the teaching of any denomination nor congregation. The justification of the enemy of God have only been granted by those compromising faith.  
       The joy of the Lord will make you rich and no sorry to it, though the enemy of God job is to kill, steal and destroy.  The riches of the world will always come with strings attatched, do not be deceived; the enemy of God will attempt to add strings to the blessing of God.There are never strings with the blessing of God despite religious leaders, community activist, and government agents profess. god gives all the opportunity to be a blessing or curse without any coercion.  Only in accordance to God's  definition of THE LEAST OF THESE, does it consider to be obedient.  The poor in spirit arenot always economic challenged nor under financial restraints.  In this world, a person born into poverty is considered poor and need of government assistance.  God is left out of the problem which is why the cycle have not been fixed, it lacks Jesus.  The poverty pimps and advocates can not afford for poverty to be healed.  This is one of the solutions when it is done according to the will of God.
           It is written, in the gospel of Jesus that of the ten virgins only half made it to heaven, despite none losing their virginity. Disobedience is not limited to sexual immorality as the enemy of God attempts to confuse believers and non believers with the claim of discrimination in sin.  It not amatter of about popularity; nationality; economic worth; educational accomplishments, charity works; blessing of others; nor anything else judge by the minds of men. God is not deceived by lables nor the lack of lables, for the last time do not be deceived, fraud, waste, abuse nor corruption are the choices of the will of God. Once one name is blotted out the Book of Life, it is forever removed. The rolls of hell increase daily but the book of life was written prior to the earth being formed. God is angry everytime kills those who should not be killed and likewise the preversion of justice preventing those who should be executed from being killed. It is written in the book Eze. 13:19


Thursday, August 28, 2014


                JESUS AND MONEY; IT IS NOT A SIN

It is written, in the book, that Jesus had Peter go down to the water and caught a fish. This particular time it was not a meal that was being caught but the money inside the fish. It's purpose was to pay taxes which being a teacher of the Word of God, Jesus could have claimed an exemption which he was lawfully entitled to. Jesus paid not only his taxes but also his disciple Peter taxes also. In the church of today, everyone is avoiding paying taxes which is opposite of what Jesus did. Money is not the sin but the love of money is the sin, DO NOT BE DECEIVED. 
When we allow others to determine what is taught is being preached, taught and proclaimed in the church then Jesus is REMOVED. It is written in the book that Jesus drove out those who used to the temple court as a den of thieves, in other words they were abusing money. In the name of sacrifices they were over charging the people of God for animals needed in ceremonies of forgiveness of sin of  the day. Today's church there exist many who sell forgiveness or the sacrificial items in the name of forgiveness of sin. Only Jesus is the way, truth and life, DO NOT BE DECEIVED. 
Money has a role in the life of a believer: tithes, offerings, debt eliminators, salaries, alms, savings and blessings. Jesus showed us how money should be used, despite he allowing a thief to be his money holder. Jesus was not deceived of his doings and told him of such when the money poured the oil on his feet. The disciple wanted the oil sold so the proceeds could be used for the poor. Jesus was not deceived about the administrative charges the disciple would grant himself.